Jan. 6 update: Test to Stay and test kits

January 6, 2022

Dear Stillwater Families,

We have received a limited number of rapid antigen test kits. These tests will be used to provide students the opportunity to Test to Stay (TTS) if they are under quarantine. Up to this point, students have had to miss direct, in-person instruction if they were placed under a Department of Health quarantine for COVID-19. Otherwise quarantined students will now have the ability to stay in school as long as they have no symptoms and test negative with parent permission.

Please note, while TTS is authorized for Saratoga County, it applies only to students exposed in school and covers only academic/instruction periods. It does not cover extracurricular activities.

For your child(ren) to participate in the Test to Stay program if under quarantine, it is essential that we have parental consent on file. These forms were sent home with students in November. You also can download the parent consent form from our website.

Ideally, the majority of the tests made available to our district will be used for Test to Stay, however, in the event that families would like to secure a screening test for their asymptomatic SCSD child(ren), we will put a system in place for families to obtain them. These tests will be made available for student screening purposes only; they cannot be used for at-home diagnostic testing of symptomatic students.

Patricia Morris
Superintendent of Schools