Throughout the year, the Eye on Stillwater series highlights those who help our students reach their full potential. It is a chance for the Stillwater community to get to know our teachers, administrators, and staff on a more personal level.

Ms. Sara Baker is in her fourth year of teaching in the Stillwater Central School District, where she teaches tenth grade earth science. Ms. Baker is also the varsity volleyball coach, Outdoor Club co-advisor, and the Class of 2020 co-advisor.
Ms. Baker grew up in Hudson Falls and currently lives in Saratoga Springs. She earned a bachelor’s degree in education from SUNY Plattsburgh and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from SUNY Plattsburgh’s Queensbury branch campus.
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What do you like most about working in the Stillwater Central District?
I love working here! My co-workers are so supportive and amazing to be around. The students are hardworking and they want to learn, which makes it fun to teach. The administration looks out for the teachers and they supports us when we want to improve. I look forward to coming to work every day!
What do you like best about teaching?
I love watching the imaginary “light bulb” go off when a student starts to understand something. It’s rewarding to me when I see how proud they are when they’ve accomplished something.
What is your favorite event that happens at Stillwater?
I enjoy Stillwater Gives Back Day. It’s a time where the students are able to help out the community and learn to work together.
What is your favorite memory from teaching at Stillwater?
I have so many good memories, it’s hard to pick just one.
Tell us about one of your favorite projects/units of study and why you enjoy sharing this with your students.
I love teaching about rocks and minerals. I have many samples I have gotten from gem, mineral and fossil shows, and from trips. I have been local places to collect blue calcite, Herkimer diamonds, fossils and many more. I also love teaching about the weather because it’s something we all come in contact with every day.
What made you want become a teacher?
I have grown up in school my whole life. My mother was a first grade teacher and I’ve watched her teach my entire life. She inspired me to teach because I admired her ability to engross her students. She also taught me that if you teach what you love, your students will benefit from your passion and energy.
If you could teach a different subject area, what would it be and why?
I would want to teach fifth graders. The books, the lessons, the interest, the excitement and energy that 5th graders have is endless.
When you were in high school, what did you want to be when you “grew up?”
I knew at a young age that I wanted to be a teacher, so it carried through high school.
What is the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
I used to work with my Dad doing electrical work. I can install outlets, light switches, hardwired smoke detectors, and many other things. I’ve run wire in crawl-spaces under houses…and that’s where I have found animal bones in the sand.
What would your students be surprised to know about you?
I have a huge garden that we grow 10+ varieties of tomato plants. I eventually want my own pumpkin patch someday.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Mineral/fossil hunting with my man-friend, gardening, hiking, walking, watching Netflix, crocheting, being with my family, and reading.
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
I would invest most of it, pay off my student loans, pay off my house, pay off my parent’s house and my sister’s house, and go on a vacation.
What are the top three items on your “bucket list?”
I want to kayak and see the Norwegian Fjords, go to Hawaii and see the volcanoes, and see my students be successful in the workforce.
What are you currently reading/listening to/watching?
The Crown on Netflix.
What are your favorite sports teams?
I only like these these teams because they were my Dad’s favorite teams. I am a NY Giants, NY Yankees, and a NY Rangers fan.