The handbook addresses many topics and attempts to answer most of your questions. Our guidelines and procedures have been developed to maintain a positive learning and safe environment for students, their families and staff members.
- Day in the Life of a Stillwater Elementary Student
- Student Support Services
- Attendance
- School Safety
- Parent Involvement
- Cafeteria
- Health Office
- Busing
- Student Code of Conduct
- Other Information
- Custodial/Legal Issues
- Administrative
District Mission Statement
Students and staff of the Stillwater Central School District with the committed efforts and support of parents and community, accept the responsibility to create and foster a positive, safe and challenging learning environment. Our purpose is to guide and prepare our students academically, socially, emotionally and physically to reach their full potential.
Building Mission Statement
Stillwater Elementary School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment, in which all children are recognized for their unique qualities and individual needs. We strive to provide a foundation of skills to ensure academic success, independence, a desire to be lifelong learners, and responsible citizens of our community.
- Superintendent – Mr. Joseph Mariano (518) 373-6100 ext. 30022
- Elementary Principal – Mrs. Rebecca Toleman (518) 373-6100 ext. 31001
- ES Assistant Principal – Ms. Michelle Adalian (518) 373-6100 ext. 31011
- Director of Pupil Personnel Services – Ms. Mikal Benamati (518) 373-6100 ext. 31180
- Director of Transportation – Mr. Tom Murphy (518) 664-5661
Public Notification
The Stillwater Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees, and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational education opportunities, without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or handicap. Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to Mr. Joseph Mariano, Superintendent.
A day in the life of a Stillwater Elementary student
Routine and schedules are important for children, especially as they are acclimating to a new school year. All children have the option to begin their day with breakfast upon entering school. If they don’t have breakfast, they go right to their classrooms to unpack and put their items away in their lockers. Classroom teachers will provide you a copy of their instructional schedule. Instruction occurs throughout the day with time for specials, lunch and recess. These are all important parts of their day as they work to build and maintain friendships, collaborate with others, and work on their social skills.
- Art and Music: All students will receive Art and Music once a week for 35 minutes (K-2) or 40 minutes (3-5)
- Physical Education (PE): All students will receive PE every other day. Students need to bring in or wear sneakers on the days they are assigned to PE in order to be able to participate. Any student with illness or injury, requiring a cast, brace, or appliance, must submit a note to the nurse from the doctor excusing them from activity. This note must be dated with start and stop dates. If no stop date is indicated initially, a note must be obtained when the student is released from the Doctor saying he/she can resume all activity. A child returning to school with any restrictions should bring a doctor note on the first day back to school. A child should always report to the nurse when these situations occur.
- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Music): We are excited to add STEAM to our list of humanities that we have. Classrooms visit the STEAM lab to support the work they are doing in the classroom as well as project based learning.
- Library: We have a library that has recently been transformed. All classrooms will have access to the library, the teacher and the books.
The School Day
The school day at the elementary school begins at 8:40 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m. Students may enter classrooms at 8:30 a.m. Parents should be aware that there is no supervision of students provided prior to 8:30 a.m.; therefore, parents should not drop off students before that time. Students entering school after 8:40 a.m. will be marked tardy. The elementary school offers a breakfast program between 8:30-8:40 a.m. Students eligible for free/reduced lunch are also eligible for free/reduced breakfast. The lunch program and recess in the elementary building is scheduled between 10:45 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. When weather permits, students have recess outside. Boots, coats, hats, snow pants and mittens are all good ideas for cold and snowy days. Please remember that all students go outside for recess and should be dressed for the weather.
Classroom Assignments
Students at Stillwater Elementary School are placed in classroom assignments after careful and exhaustive consideration. All classrooms at each grade level are regular education classrooms. That being the case, each classroom contains students of a heterogeneous mix of high, average, and low average abilities; balances in numbers of boys and girls; and similar numbers assigned to each section at a grade level, whenever possible.
Some regular education classrooms may include students who require the additional support of special education services to meet with success in school. These classrooms may be assigned a special education teacher, either on a full time, or consulting basis. Students identified as being in need of additional support are granted by Federal legislation the right to receive that additional support in the least restrictive environment possible. At Stillwater Elementary that environment is generally the regular education classroom.
It is important that parents understand that much thought is put into the placement of students. Requests from parents for a particular class and/or teacher for their child are not solicited by the school, and due to the large number of students, are unable to be honored. Classroom assignments are finalized in June and students receive their teacher assignments with their report card. Parents who wish to provide information regarding their child’s specific learning needs should submit the information in writing to the principal no later than June 1st.
Stillwater Get Together
The Stillwater Get Together is scheduled throughout the year for students in grades UPK-5. The purpose of our program is to come together as a school community and recognize the day to day successes of our students. On SGT dates, from 9-9:25 a.m., students meet in the gym either as a half or whole building. Parents are always welcome to attend.
Student Support Services
Academic Intervention Services
The Stillwater Central School District offers academic assistance to those students who require additional support in grades K through 5. Academic Intervention Service (AIS) teachers collaborate with classroom teachers to team teach, lead small groups, and provide assistance to students.
Students qualifying for AIS are determined by:
- Standardized achievement test scores below the 25th percentile in Reading or Math.
- State assessment scores below the proficiency benchmarks.
- Teacher recommendations.
Academic Intervention Services are required by the State of New York and Federal “No Child Left Behind” legislation and as such parents may not opt out of AIS Services for their child. You will be notified via a letter if your child is receiving AIS support. You will also receive progress reports indicating the gains the child is making.
Special Education
The general education instructional programs of the Stillwater Central School District are designed to support each student toward mastery of the Next Generation Learning Standards. In addition to classroom instruction, the district provides a variety of Educational Related Support Services as part of the general education program to promote student success. A small percentage of students require more intensive support to succeed in addition to the general education program. For students determined by the Committee on Special Education to demonstrate disability that adversely affects the student’s mastery of the Learning Standards, the District provides a continuum of special education services. A determination of an educational disability is made by the Committee on Special Education. A recommendation for a referral to the Committee on Special Education is made by the building level student services team. Before a recommendation for a referral is made, the building level team determines that all available supports have either been provided or are not appropriate. Although State Education regulations allow for a direct referral to the Committee on Special Education by the parent, experience has shown that more positive outcomes for students are achieved when the student’s needs are first considered by the building level student services team. Once a referral is made, parent consent is requested for evaluation. When evaluations are complete, the Committee on Special Education meets (the Committee includes the active participation of the student’s parents) to review the evaluation results, to make a disability determination, and prescribe special education services as appropriate. The recommendation of the Committee on Special Education is then presented to the Board of Education for approval. Please contact the Elementary Principal or the Director of Special Education with questions or concerns related to referrals to the Committee on Special Education or the special education services provided by the Stillwater Central School District.
At Stillwater Elementary, we provide a Multi System of Supports, (MTSS), which is a framework to provide targeted support for struggling students. It addresses both academic and behavioral concerns with a goal of providing support early on so students can catch up with their peers.
Whether we are speaking about academics, behaviors or attendance, there are three levels of support:
- Prevention: Tier 1 is high quality core instruction provided by classroom teachers that meet the needs of most students.
- Intervention: Tier 2 is supplemental instruction to support Tier 1 instruction. It has a specific focus based on what the child needs. It can be provided by a classroom teacher, specialist or other staff member. This is small group instruction.
- Remediation: Tier 3 is more intensive instruction. It is intended for students who have significant gaps in their core skills and is often provided by a specialist.
Many children respond to Tier 1 or core instruction and will not need Tier 2 or Tier 3 support.
Elementary Starting and Dismissal Times
- Grades K-5: 8:40 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
- Parent pick-up: 3:05 p.m.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten
- 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Attendance Policy
In order for your child to be a successful learner, it is important that they are present at school. At Stillwater Elementary School, we will communicate via written correspondence from the office for every 5 unexcused absences. If a student is absent from school for 15 school days, they may not qualify for advancement to the next grade level. In addition, if a student has 15 or more unexcused absences in a school year, the case may be referred to Child Protective Services and the Saratoga County District Attorney’s office. Consideration may be given for removal from the Universal Pre-Kindergarten program. In the case of remote learning, it is expected that your child is engaged in learning and communicating with their teachers.
Excused absences, tardiness and early departure from class due to:
- personal illness
- serious illness or death in the family
- religious observance or education during school hours
- required court appearance of student
- required medical appointment of student
- school sponsored activity
Unexcused absences, tardiness and early departure from class due to:
- truancy
- family vacation
- babysitting
- missing the bus; oversleeping, etc.
- no parent written note for an otherwise excusable absence
- accompanying a parent to an appointment
Attendance Plan
In an effort to decrease chronic absenteeism and therefore, increase student achievement, we have created a tiered plan for all students. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of school for any reason. We do understand that certain illnesses or circumstances arise and we look at each student as an individual. However, chronic absenteeism is a significant indicator of challenges in reading and math. It may also impact promotion to the next grade level as well as special education determination. Frequent tardiness also plays a role in chronic absenteeism.
- Tier 1: all students
- Automated phone call home when absent
- Attendance letters
- Recognize good and improved attendance
- Identify and address attendance barriers
- Positive and engaging school climate
- Tier 2: Students with absences totaling 5-7% of school days
- Automated phone call home when absent
- Attendance letters
- Check-in with student; adult mentor
- Home Visits
- Parent Meeting
- Tier 3: Students with absences totaling 8% of school days or higher
- Automated phone call home when absent
- Attendance letters
- Daily check-in with student
- Home Visits
- Parent Meeting
- Engage Child Protective Services/outside agencies
Student Drop-Off
Children should not be dropped off prior to the official start time, noted above, at which time adult supervision will be in place. When dropping off students, you will pull up and a staff member will be there to ensure your child safely gets into the building. You will not be able to park your car.
Any student arriving after the official start time, noted above, of the school day is considered “tardy”. A note of explanation from the parent will ensure the proper reason for the tardiness is noted in the student’s official attendance record. State law requires strict accounting of student attendance and punctuality, regardless of cause. Each child must be walked and signed into school if tardy. Parents must park in a designated parking place before walking into school.
Reporting Absences
If your child is absent, please notify the attendance clerk of the reason and expected length of absence. Voicemail will record messages before or after school hours. A written excuse is required upon the student’s return. This note must be submitted to the attendance office within three days of the student’s absence from school. Notes will not be accepted after three days. When an absence occurs for three consecutive days due to illness, a physician’s note will be required.
Medical/Dental Appointments
Parents are asked to make routine medical appointments outside of school hours. Doctors and dentists have generally cooperated so students will not lose any valuable instruction time.
Pupils Excused During School Hours
A phone call or a note is expected from a parent/guardian if anyone other than the parent or guardian is picking up a student, even if the person is officially listed as an emergency contact. When a parent/guardian or other “designated adult” plans to sign a student out at the end of the day, rather than allowing the student to ride the bus home, a note requesting this change should be sent to the child’s teacher on the day of this change in routine. The student will not be released to the adult directly from the classroom. The student will be called to the reception desk, where the adult will sign him/her out and will be expected to show photo identification.
Parent Pick-Up at Dismissal
Parents picking students up at dismissal need to follow the procedure outlined below:
Parents must send a note to school to indicate a child will be picked up rather than transported home on the bus. For students who are picked up regularly, a note stating such should be provided to the school on the first day of pick-up. This note will be kept on file for the year. In an emergency a parent may also call the school directly to request a parent pick-up. Calls received after 2:30 p.m. may not be accommodated.
Parents picking students up will need to pull up to the south parking lot area. This is accessed by going straight past the elementary parking lot, past the kindergarten playground. You will remain in your car and your child will be brought out to you. We will begin parent pick-up at 3:05 p.m.
Religious Observances
The Stillwater Central School District recognizes the diverse religious backgrounds and values represented in the school community and has adopted a regulation that addresses many of the questions related to this issue. The complete policy and regulations are available at the district office. Please note some highlighted sections of our regulation below:
eligious accommodations cannot include excusing students completely from courses, testing, and/or other activities required by state law for graduation.
Upon a request from a parent or guardian to have his/her child excused from specific instructional activities that they feel violate their religious beliefs, teachers and principals should consult with each other, and then with the parent to determine alternatives that are of comparable instructional value.
Students generally are not exempt from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices.
Students who are absent from school or class because of religious observances shall be allowed to make up work, examinations, study or work requirements which he/she missed because of such absence.
Make-up examination(s) or work shall be provided as long as it does not create an unreasonable burden upon said school, class, students or teacher.
Students are responsible for making up the work or exams according to an agreed upon schedule.
Family Trips
Absences from school deprive a student of the classroom interactions, practice, and opportunities for additional assistance necessary for academic growth. There is concern regarding the loss of instructional time due to family trips scheduled while school is in session. These are considered unexcused and are defined as illegal according to State Education Law. In the event of such an absence, teachers are not required to provide work prior to the trip. It is the parent’s responsibility, working with the teacher, to make certain that any assignments and tests be completed in an agreed amount of time.
School Safety
Our procedures, described below, are in no way intended to discourage visitors; rather they represent our efforts to maintain a safe, orderly school for all students and the need to know the location of all visitors when in the building. Parents/guardians are expected to adhere to the District’s Code of Conduct for the Maintenance of order on School Property.
- Visitors and volunteers are required to sign in at the reception desk and wear a visitor’s tag while in school.
- Visitors are welcome as parent volunteers when scheduled, as participants in special activities, and for scheduled appointments.
- Unannounced visits to classrooms prior to the start of the school day or during the school day to speak with staff cannot be accommodated as such visits interfere with instruction and planned meetings/activities.
We encourage parents to not get in the habit of bringing your child items they left home (i.e. instruments, sneakers, etc.). Children should take responsibility for these items and may get used to you bringing them in. If you need to drop something off, please be sure your child’s name and teacher are clearly labeled and leave it at the front desk.
Pets Visiting School
At this time, pets are not allowed to visit the school.
As part of our “School Safety Plan” we practice drills which will involve a complete LOCKDOWN OR LOCKOUT of the total school facility.
- When a LOCKDOWN drill occurs, students and staff will be required to remain in their rooms with the doors locked until the drill is over. Visitors are also expected to remain quiet and follow directions.
- Visitors will not be allowed into the building until the drill is complete. We appreciate the cooperation of those who find themselves present during any drills.
- Fire drills will periodically occur throughout the year to ensure that students and staff are familiar with proper evacuation procedures in the event of a real emergency.
Parent Involvement
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a volunteer organization promoting the education and welfare of all children and youth. Through the PTA, parents, teachers, administrators and community members build a partnership between home and school, so that we may all cooperate intelligently in the education of children. Our PTA draws upon the vast resources and experience of our state and national organization. Membership dues are $8.00, a portion of which is forwarded to both the state and national PTA’s. We hope you will join us.
Problem Solving
When you think your child is having a problem in school, don’t wait, or the problem may get bigger.
- Listen to your child. Pay close attention to your child’s comments and ask questions to find out what’s going on at school. Keep your mind open as you listen – there are always two sides to every story.
- Never criticize the teacher or the school in front of your child. This may cause more problems – like your child disliking school and being defiant to teachers.
- Decide if you should contact the school. Right after school, at the end of a long day might not be the best time to talk about strong feelings. Allow a cooling off period before you decide how serious a problem really is.
- Check out facts before drawing conclusions. Is the teacher aware of your child’s difficulty? Has your child misunderstood her/his intentions
- Explore solutions. Discuss what you, your child and the teacher can do to solve the problem.
- Contact other school personnel if the problem doesn’t get solved in this way.
- Approach each step with respect for all persons involved. This will help your child learn to cope constructively with problems throughout his/her life.
Student Success
- Encourage and support your child
- Limit and monitor the amount of screen time your child has.
- Read with your children.
- Make sure your child gets enough sleep and exercise.
- Encourage your child to eat healthy foods.
- Ensure your child attends school every day.
- Give your children responsibilities at home.
Stillwater Food Service
518-373-6100 x30513
The services of the school cafeteria are available to all students.
The lunch menu is available on our website,
Board of Education Lunch Policy
- The Board of Education expects all students to be treated with dignity and compassion. As of Nov. 1, 2023, all SCSD students are eligible to receive a FREE breakfast and lunch meal. A meal comes with an entree, vegetable, fruit and milk. Additional items such as drinks, snacks, ice-cream and an extra entree are not included and can be purchased with cash or by using the prepay system, Nutrikids. Recognizing that individual students may occasionally come to school without breakfast or lunch money, the following guidelines have been established:
- A student may charge up to three lunches at the cash register. The student will be given a notice to take home notifying his or her parent/guardian to send in money for the meals.
- After the third meal is served without payment, the cook will contact the District Food Service Director. The School Principal or Designee will also be informed in order to remedy the situation.
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
As of Nov. 1, 2023, all students enrolled in the Stillwater Central School District are eligible to receive a FREE breakfast and lunch meal at school.
This implementation is a result of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expanding access to the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). CEP allows eligible schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs to offer school meals at no charge to all students.
Food Allergies
The district is aware of the need to accommodate students with severe food allergies. Guidelines are available and plans are developed and implemented to meet the individual needs of each student.
Prepay System (Nutrikids-My School Bucks)
Stillwater School District uses a computerized debit system that allows parents to deposit money into a child’s account at the school to be used as needed in the cafeteria. While cash can also be used, the debit system offers several advantages:
- You do not have to send cash to school with your child.
- You are assured the money is spent on food at school.
- You can put a small amount of money into the account to be sure your child has lunch money if he/she forgets lunch.
- A check gives you a good record of deposits into the account. Students may bring cash or check (made out to school) to the cashier in the cafeteria.
- The system keeps track of what each student purchases on a daily basis.
Health Office
The Elementary School health office is responsible for the physical well-being of your child while at school. At times it is difficult to locate parents in case of illness or accident. Please be sure that the school has an alternate local telephone number of a friend, relative, or neighbor who will be available in case you are not at home during an emergency. In this situation some students become easily upset when a parent or guardian cannot be reached. It is very important to keep the school informed of all phone number changes, i.e. home, work, and people available in an emergency. Students with illnesses and injuries who may not participate in Gym classes may not attend outside recess. This is strictly adhered to for the safety of all children. Any student with illness or injury, requiring a cast, brace, or appliance, must submit a note to the nurse from the doctor excusing them from activity. This note must be dated with start and stop dates. If no stop date is indicated initially, a note must be obtained when the student is released from the Doctor saying he/she can resume all activity. A child returning to school with any restrictions should bring a doctor note on the first day back to school. A child should always report to the nurse when these situations occur.
Disease Notification
- We appreciate your assistance in controlling the spread of communicable disease in school. We recommend keeping your child home during the time they are experiencing acute symptoms of a cold or other illness (such as, sneezing, coughing, fever). This protects other children and staff from exposure, aids in faster recovery, and protects against complications. Please remember the ALL IMPORTANT 24 hour rule! Keep your child home if they have vomited/had diarrhea within the last 24 hours, and they should be fever free (below 100 WITHOUT fever reducers) for 24 hours before returning to school. Your child needs to be on antibiotics for 24 hours prior to returning to school if they have been diagnosed with strep throat or conjunctivitis (pink eye).
- We ask that you notify the school if your child has been diagnosed with a strep infection, chicken pox, conjunctivitis (pink eye), fifth’s disease, or head lice. Other diseases, which are uncommon, should also be reported to the school. These include but are not limited to measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, hepatitis, pinworms, and scabies.
- Head Lice (Pediculosis): Students who are found to have head lice and/or nits (eggs) are sent home and not permitted to return to school until the lice and nits have been treated. The school nurse will check the child upon returning. When a case is discovered in a classroom, other children in the classroom may be checked and notification is sent to all parents.
When notified, the school nurse will send home a confidential notice informing parents of the health issue in your child’s classroom.
School Physicals
The school physician gives physical examinations to entering 1st, 3rd and 5th grade students who have not had one completed by their family physician. Please notify the school nurse if you wish to have your child examined by your family physician. A statement of physical exam must be submitted from your own medical doctor for school records. After Grade 5, a scoliosis check must be noted on the exam record. Anyone who does not have a physical form completed at the time the school physician does physicals, a physical will be done by the school physician. The school physician also serves in an advisory capacity on general problems of health and periodically visits the school to consult with personnel on health matters.
Routine Screenings
The following school-wide screenings are done by the school nurse:
- Vision and hearing screenings are administered each year. These tests are not fine tests, but are used for gross screening. You will be notified if any areas of concern are found. A follow-up examination can be performed by your physician for diagnosis and treatment as necessary.
- A scoliosis screening is completed annually from Grades 5 through 9. You will be notified if any further examination is requested.
Medication Policy
If a child is to take any medication during the school day, an adult must bring the medication to the school nurse. Medications include, but are not limited to, prescription drugs, over the counter medications, cough drops, pain relievers and vitamins. If a student needs to take medicine, either during school hours, or in case of an emergency for a known physical problem, the medication may be left with the school nurse. No medication will be accepted at school or administered unless accompanied by a letter from the physician, which must include the following:
- Name of medication, dosage, and route of administration.
- Necessity for students to receive medication at a designated time.
- Permission for the school nurse to dispense the medication.
- Additional measures, if any, to be taken after the student has taken medication.
- Name, address, and phone number of the physician.
- Physician’s signature and date. There must be a signed parent permission letter accompanying the physician’s letter.
Any medication kept in school must be in a pharmacy labeled container with the following information on the label:
- Name of student.
- Name of medication, dosage, and route of administration.
- When medication is to be given.
- Name of physician prescribing medication.
- Date prescription was filled.
- The responsibility of getting medications to and from school lies with the parent or guardian of the student. All medications will be kept locked in the Health Office. Elementary students are never to keep medications of any kind on their person, in purses, lunch boxes, desks, etc., and are not allowed to transport them on the bus.
It would be very helpful if parents would advise the school nurse of any medications being taken at home which could possibly affect the child’s performance or behavior at school.
First Aid at School
The school nurse is not allowed, by law, to give any treatment beyond emergency first aid care, as prescribed by the school physician. Further care and diagnosis must be obtained from your family physician.
Excuses from Physical Education Class
The only excuse for not attending and/or participation in physical education (P.E.) is a medical excuse signed by a physician. A student may not be excused from more than one P.E. class without a medical excuse signed by a physician. When your child is excused from physical education class, he/she is excused from playing during recess and is required to sit at a bench when they are outside for recess. Any questions or concerns, please contact the principal.
Director of Transportation – Tom Murphy
The Bus Garage can be reached at 518-664-5661.
The primary concern of our transportation department is to transport all our children safely to and from school and school sponsored events. Drivers have been instructed when to issue “Bus Conduct Reports”, which will be submitted to the Director of Transportation. These may be used to remove a student from the bus. Bus Conduct Reports are forwarded to the school for informational purposes. It is important that students on the bus:
- Observe the same conduct as in the classroom. Loud and distracting noise interferes with the driver’s concentration.
- Be courteous and refrain from inappropriate language.
- Food and drink will not be consumed on the bus unless specific permission is given.
- Help keep the bus clean.
- Board or leave a bus only after it has come to a complete stop.
- The use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol is forbidden.
- Students will be held responsible for any damage they do to the bus or its equipment.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- No part of the body will be extended outside the bus window.
- The driver is authorized to assign seats; cooperation with the driver is required at all times.
- Articles that are determined by school officials to be potentially dangerous will not be allowed on the bus.
- Fighting or rough play will not be tolerated.
Any serious infraction of rules must be reported by the driver to the Director of Transportation, Tom Murphy, at 518-664-5661.
Consequences for Misbehavior on the Bus
- Verbal warning/conference with driver on bus after other students exit.
- Written referral to the Transportation Director. Bus drivers may assign seats at this point. Referral sent home to parents.
- Upon a third warning, suspension from riding the bus, by the Principal.
- IN SEVERE CASES, Immediate Suspension of bus privileges-i.e. throwing objects on the bus, endangering safety of others.
Transportation Procedure for Elementary Students
Stillwater Central School will provide transportation for all children who attend the Elementary School, in a manner that is safest for the children, keeping in mind consistency and efficiency. Transportation will only be provided to, or from, home, a babysitter or daycare, and only within the school district. In order for the school to schedule transportation from childcare providers, the information needs to be given to the Transportation Department by July 15; this will allow us the time to make the necessary adjustments to the bus runs. Any changes during the school year should be done using a bus pass. If the bus passes are not used we may not be able to provide the transportation as requested. Passes are available at the elementary school. All permanent changes, or any questions, should be directed to the transportation department at 518-664-5661.
Kindergarten Students
Transportation will be provided from home, babysitter or daycare, as long as the arrangements are consistent. The pickup and drop off points have to be the same morning and afternoon, as well as everyday of the week. Parents or a responsible adult will be expected at the bus stop, in the morning and the afternoon. If at all possible do not bring younger siblings to the bus stop. However, if the need arises please make sure the younger siblings stay well away from the bus and hang on tight to your child. For safety reasons, in the afternoon, the drivers have been instructed not to drop off a kindergarten child unless the parent is at the stop. Please reinforce with your child the need to follow the drivers’ instructions at all times.
First and Second Grade Students
Transportation will be provided from home, babysitter or daycare, as long as the arrangements are consistent. We will pick up and drop off at a different location, under the following conditions. The pickup needs to be the same place every day of the week. The drop off can be a different place, but that also needs to be the same everyday of the week. Even though the children are a little older, we still prefer to have a parent or responsible adult at the stop.
Third through Fifth Grade Students
Transportation will be provided from home, babysitter or daycare. The pickup and drop off points may be different; however, consistency is still very important. The bus passes should be utilized; if not, we may not be able to honor your request. Your cooperation in this matter is very important for the safe transportation of your child.
Student Code of Conduct
Unless otherwise indicated, the District Code of Conduct applies to all students, school personnel, parents and other visitors when on school property or attending a school function.
While going to and from school, you are expected to:
- Keep a safe distance from the bus, cars, or trucks.
- Walk on sidewalks. Stay out of the way of traffic.
- Walk to and from the bus.
While in school you are expected to be safe, respectful and responsible.
- Respect the rights and feelings of the school community by being kind, listening, and not hurting others.
- Use appropriate language in all places including in school, on the playground, and on the bus.
- Follow the rules and directions of your teacher and other adults who are in charge.
- Stay in the classroom until excused or dismissed.
- Take care not to damage school property such as desks, chairs, walls, books, chromebooks or any other items.
- Refrain from using electronic devices without the permission of the principal or teacher. The school will not be responsible for any electronic device that is lost, stolen or damaged at school.
- Respect the guidelines of the Acceptable Use Policy related to computer/internet access.
When outside of your classroom, you are expected to:
- Play only in areas chosen by an adult and be sure an adult is with you at all times.
- Never leave the playground area without permission.
- Use playground equipment safely.
- Report injuries to the adult in charge.
- Keep your hands to yourself.
- Use appropriate language.
- Show good sportsmanship.
- Never throw food or objects.
- No sharing food.
- Talk quietly during lunch.
- Clean up after lunch and dispose of your trash properly.
- Respect the rights of others by walking and being quiet and polite in the hallways.
Consequences – Students who break the code of conduct rules may face disciplinary action depending on the facts of the case. This could mean a warning, reprimand, exclusion from activities, detention or suspension. Staff may also use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to encourage students to make appropriate choices. Suspension proceedings are conducted according to Section 3214 of the Education Law.
Student Appearance/Dress Guidelines
Parental guidance and responsibility are necessary to help children make appropriate choices about their school attire. Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for our school environment and all school activities while not detracting from a positive learning environment. Shirts need to cover the midriff and should not be violent or vulgar. Hats and hoods are allowed outside only. Students should wear footwear with backs, while avoiding flip flops, open toes sandals. Failure to abide by footwear guidelines may result in missed PE and recess opportunities.
Dignity for all Students Act
Stillwater Elementary School has high expectations for all students and staff with regard to how we treat each other. We have an expectation that we will treat each other in a respectful manner at all times. By doing this, we will avoid situations of bullying and/or harassment in our school. There may be times, however, that individuals make poor decisions and harassment becomes a concern. These cases will be addressed by staff members and taken seriously.
Mrs. Toleman, Elementary Principal will serve as the DASA coordinator for Stillwater Elementary School and any concerns can be brought to her by students, staff, and parents. Mrs. Toleman, Elementary Principal will also utilize the counseling department to provide support for students to ensure that they are comfortable sharing their concerns.
When learning from home, you are expected to:
- Use school devices safely and responsibly.
- Be safe, respectful and responsible during virtual meetings.
- Respect the guidelines of the Acceptable Use Policy related to computer and internet access.
- Complete assignments in a timely manner as well as communicate with teachers.
Other Information
School Closings/Early Dismissal
In the event that we have to close school, you will receive a message via ParentSquare, our school-wide messaging system. It will also be posted to the local TV station as well as our school Facebook page. We expect parents/guardians to monitor the news to keep up to date about possible early dismissals or school closings.
We encourage parents/guardians to become involved in the classroom and other school activities. Such involvement makes a significant difference in our children’s success. Please explore the many opportunities available through your child(ren)’s classroom teachers, the principal’s office and PTA. Please also note our visitor procedures under “Visitors”. All visitors are expected to adhere to the district’s Code of Conduct for the Maintenance of Order on School Property.
Toys/Electronic Devices
The use of a personal electronic device during the school day is prohibited and the item will be confiscated and brought to the main office (unless it is an approved activity by the teacher/principal). This includes cell phones, iPods, Fitbits, SmartWatches, and other devices.
- The School District will not be held responsible for the loss and/or theft of any portable electronic device.
All other toys should only be brought to school with the permission of the teacher.
Custodial/Legal Issues
Our school is often informed about parenting arrangements, custody issues and related information.
The district’s guidelines are described below.
Student Pickup by a Parent/Guardian
Unless a court order or custody agreement has been issued stating that a parent or guardian is not allowed any contact with a student or specifically states a parent is not allowed to pick up the student from school, the district will release a student at the end of or during the school day to either parent/guardian. If a parent/guardian who is unknown to school staff requests release of a student, every effort will be made to contact the other parent/guardian before releasing the student. If a parent or former guardian is legally barred from contact, the school must have a current copy of such order to be kept on file by the school principal.
School Events
Unless there is a specific court order or custody agreement that prohibits one parent from attending school events, both parents can attend events such as concerts, plays, sports events and awards ceremonies. If parents are unable to attend without conflict, or their interactions at the events are disruptive, both parents may be asked to leave. We appreciate being informed about information that affects our students and will keep the documents you have provided us on file. The education and safety of all children enrolled in district schools is our primary responsibility, and therefore, we cannot adapt our programs and procedures to conform to every private parenting arrangement about which we are informed.
Decision Making
When parents provide conflicting instruction or directions to the school concerning educational matters about which we need parental input, we will (when possible) make reasonable efforts to let parents know there is a conflict so the two parents/guardians can resolve it. However, when that does not result in agreement, the school staff will generally rely on the input of the parent who most regularly communicates decisions about the student’s education.
Either parent may provide consent for a child to participate in activities that require consent, unless there is a court order that specifically says one parent is not allowed any contact or to make school decisions.
In an emergency, we will first try to contact the parent who is identified in the parenting arrangement as the primary contact, but if that parent/guardian cannot be reached we will also try to contact the other parent/guardian.
Teachers and other staff are not expected to meet with parents/guardians separately to discuss a student’s progress on a particular issue. This allows our teachers and other staff to use limited time wisely, and also helps ensure that both parents/guardians are provided with the same information.
Committee on Special Education
The district is not required to hold more than the required number of Committee on Special Education meetings to which both parents/guardians are invited to attend.
Records and Information
Unless there is a court order or custody agreement that specifically says one parent is not allowed to have information about the child, both parents may request and review the child’s record and have copies of records, including report cards.
Enrollment of New Students
Parents of any child entering the Stillwater Central School District for the first time must present an original, or a certified copy, of a birth certificate, a physical record, an immunization record, and 2 proofs of residency. New York State requires that the immunization record include the dates that the following immunizations were administered:
DPT (series of three), Polio (series of three), HepB (series of three), measles, mumps and rubella after one year of age, a second measles and the varicella/varivax (chicken pox) before entering Kindergarten. Kindergarten students must be five (5) years of age on or before December 1 to be eligible to attend Kindergarten.
Student Information Sheets
Information sheets are sent home at the beginning of the school year for each student. These cards contain vital information needed in the event of an emergency or early dismissal. Please review the preprinted portions of the sheet, make any changes necessary, and add new information if necessary. Please be sure that emergency contact information is accurate, up-to-date, and that people know you have included them on your sheet. Most important: Please be sure to sign your child(ren)’s sheet. A phone call or a note is required from a parent/guardian if anyone other than the parent or guardian is picking up a student, even if the person is listed on the emergency sheet. Please be prepared to show photo identification. If any changes occur during the school year, please inform the office so the card can be kept up to date.
Reporting to Parents
- Report Cards/Progress Reports – Students in Grades Pre-K through Grade 5 receive 3 report cards during the school year. Elementary report cards dates are listed on the district calendar, occurring during the months of December, March and June. The first report card/progress report is usually handed out during the parent/teacher conference.
- Conferences – Parent/Teacher conference days are scheduled during the month of December. These conference days are set up so that teachers have the chance to speak with parents one on one. Parents are strongly encouraged to have alternative childcare arrangements as young children can be disruptive to conferences being held throughout the building.
- Parents may request additional meetings at any time during the school year by sending a note to the teacher, or calling the reception desk to leave a message. Parent/teacher conferences which are planned will be of the most benefit to all concerned.
Back to School Night (Open House)
Open House is held early in the fall during which many aspects of the school year are presented to parents.
Field Trips
Field trips may be an enhancement to education and the curriculum. They are usually organized and scheduled by grade level teachers. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to chaperone trips when needed, to ensure the safety and success of the program. A permission slip is signed by a parent or guardian for each field trip. When a trip is scheduled, parents will be informed in writing of the date and destination of the trip as well as any additional information needed. Students with chronic medical concerns will usually need to be accompanied by a parent on field trips.
SECTION 504 (Handicapped Discrimination)
TITLE IX (Sex Discrimination)
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: Any student or employee of this district who believes he or she has been discriminated against, denied a benefit, or excluded from participation in any district education program or activity on the basis of handicap, race, color, national origin in violation of this policy may file a written complaint with the compliance administrator:
Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator
Joseph Mariano, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools
Stillwater Central School
1068 Hudson Avenue
Stillwater, New York 12170
Ph. (518) 373-6100 ext. 30022
The compliance administrator shall cause a review of the written complaint to be conducted and a written response mailed to the complainant within ten working days after receipt of the written complaint. A copy of the written complaint and the compliance administrator’s response shall be provided to each member of the Board of Education indicating with particularity the nature of disagreement with the response and his or her reasons underlying such disagreement.
The Board of Education shall consider the appeal at its’ next regularly scheduled Board meeting following receipt of the response.
The Board of Education shall permit the complainant to address the Board in public or closed session, as appropriate and lawful, concerning his or her complaint and shall provide the complainant with its’ written decision in the matter as expeditiously as possible following completion of the hearing.