Elementary School Code of Conduct

Unless otherwise indicated, the District Code of Conduct applies to all students, school personnel, parents and other visitors when on school property or attending a school function.

While going to and from school, you are expected to:

  • Keep a safe distance from the bus, cars, or trucks.
  • Walk on sidewalks, staying out of the way of traffic.
  • Walk to and from the bus.

While in school, you are expected to:

  • Be safe, respectful, and responsible.
  • Respect the rights and feelings of others by being kind and not hurting others.
  • Use appropriate language in all places including in school, on the playground, and on the bus.
  • Follow the rules and directions of your teacher and other adults who are in charge.
  • Stay in the classroom until excused or dismissed.
  • Take care not to damage school property such as desks, chairs, walls, books, or any other items.
  • Use special care when handling equipment in any of the learning spaces.
  • Watch and listen quietly to the performance or speakers during an assembly or Morning Program.
  • Leave the room quietly, following directions of an authorized adult in charge.
  • Refrain from using electronic devices without the permission of the principal.
  • The school will not be responsible for any electronic device that is lost, stolen or damaged at school.
  • Respect the guidelines of the Acceptable Use Policy related to computer/internet access.

When outside of your classroom, you are expected to:

  • Play only in areas chosen by an adult and be sure an adult is with you at all times.
  • Never leave the playground area without permission.
  • Use playground equipment safely.
  • Report injuries to the adult in charge.
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • Use appropriate language.
  • Show good sportsmanship.
  • Remember your table manners.
  • Never throw food or objects.
  • Talk quietly during lunch.
  • Clean up after lunch and dispose of your trash properly.
  • Respect the rights of others by walking and being quiet and polite in the hallways.

When learning from home, you are expected to:

  • Use school devices safely and responsibly
  • Be safe, respectful and responsible during virtual meetings
  • Respect the guidelines of the Acceptable Use Policy related to computer and internet access
  • Complete assignments in a timely manner as well as communicate with teachers


Students who break the above listed rules may face disciplinary action depending on the facts of the case. This could mean a warning, reprimand, exclusion from activities, detention or suspension. Staff may also use the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to encourage students to make appropriate choices. Suspension proceedings are conducted according to Section 3214 of the Education Law.

Student Appearance/Dress Guidelines

Parental guidance and responsibility are necessary to help children make appropriate choices about their school attire. Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for our school environment and all school activities while not detracting from a positive learning environment. Students should wear footwear with backs, while avoiding flip flops and open toed sandals. Failure to abide by footwear guidelines may result in missed PE and recess opportunities.

Dignity for All Students Act

Stillwater Elementary School has high expectations for all students and staff with regard to how we treat each other. We believe in and follow the golden rule. We have an expectation that we will treat each other in a respectful manner at all times. By doing this, we will avoid situations of bullying and/or harassment in our school. There may be times, however, that individuals may make poor decisions and harassment becomes a concern. These cases will be addressed by staff members and taken seriously. The elementary principal will serve as the DASA coordinator for Stillwater Elementary School and any concerns can be brought to him by students, staff, and parents. The principal will also utilize the counseling department to provide support for students to ensure that they are comfortable sharing their concerns.

Student Drop-Off

Children should not be dropped off prior to the official start time, noted above, at which time adult supervision will be in place. When dropping off students, you will pull. up and a staff member will be there to ensure your child safely gets into the building. You will not be able to park your car.

Parent Pick-Up at Dismissal

Parents picking students up at dismissal need to follow the procedure outlined below:
• Parents must send in a note to school to indicate a child will be picked up rather than transported home on the bus. For students who are picked up regularly, a note stating such should be provided to the school on the first day of pick-up. The note will be kept on file for the year.
• In an emergency, a parent may also call the school to directly request a parent pick up. Calls received after 2:30 pm may not be accommodated.
• Parents picking students up need to pull up to the south parking lot area. This is accessed by going straight past the elementary parking lot, past the K playground. You will remain in your car and your child will be brought out to you. We will begin parent pick-up at 3:05.