A message from the superintendent regarding lockdown drill at MS/HS on April 17

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Today, Wednesday April 17, middle and high school students and staff participated in an unannounced lockdown drill. This was our fourth lockdown of the year. Today’s drill was announced as students were passing in between classes. The drill was conducted in this manner to help us better understand if there are any weaknesses in our training and/or procedures.

I want to thank the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office for assisting us today. As always, we debrief and analyze what could be improved upon for next time.

Please remember that the goal of these drills is to reassure students and staff that there is a district safety plan and it is important to know what to do in a variety of situations. Students and staff did an excellent job today and I want to thank them for their cooperation as well.

The middle/high school has now completed its four required lockdown drills for the year. The elementary school still has one more drill to conduct.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please reach out.


Patricia Morris
Superintendent of Schools