Dear Stillwater Community,
It doesn’t matter where I am lately, there is always the same question from a neighbor, parent, staff member, community member or friend…“What is school going to look like in September?” As we complete the 2019-20 school year, reopening school for next year is at the forefront of our minds and the planning process has already begun.
Since March, New York State (NYS) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED) have released guidance that impacts our current situation. For example, in the past few weeks we have learned a lot regarding school budget votes, Extended School Year summer programs, virtual summer school and graduations. However, at this point, there hasn’t been any guidance for the fall and what reopening school will look like.
Meanwhile, the 31 schools that make up WSWHE BOCES continue to collaborate on the best ways to prepare for all aspects of learning on and off campus. At Stillwater, we have 12 teams working on our Return to Learn Committee, with two specific goals in mind: provide a safe place to work and learn and transport, educate, and feed our children. As we receive further guidance from the state, we will utilize the parameters to plan for a safe and productive start to the upcoming school year. As we learn more, we will continue to inform our families on what reopening will look like.
It has never been clearer to me than it is right now that the reason I love my job is the children. I miss them all dearly.
Have a safe and happy summer.
Patti Morris